Are you a content creator or marketer? If so, you know the challenges of finding a reliable article submission site that will advertise your content through article-viewing sites. Through the use of these websites, you will be able to boost the rank of your website on search engines and the growth of traffic.

The submission of an article using appropriate keywords is among the most efficient offline SEO (Search Engine Optimization (SEO) methods to enhance brand and persona recognition.

Is Article Submission a thing?

Authorship is the procedure of publishing your article on a website owned by a third party to generate quality backlinks to your website or blog. Dofollow sites for article submission can increase the number of visitors to your website and improve the quality of your domain authority.

Article submission is an integral component of content marketing, in which you can showcase content related to your company through reputable article submission sites.

Dofollow and Nofollow Links: What Should You Choose?

Backlinking is the method by which search engines connect websites. Content marketers can profit tremendously by adding do-follow links to their blogs or popular websites for article submission in India. But what exactly are these no-follow and do-follow hyperlinks?

Dofollow is the term used to describe any link that permits visitors or search engines to visit a different website via the link. Dofollow links can boost your rankings in search results if your site's do-follow links are accessible on other websites with a higher value for domains. They also give you a direct possibility of increasing traffic if users click on those links.

No-follow links do not permit search engine bots to follow your link and thus do not directly influence the search engine result page's position. However, they allow you to increase your visibility by submitting articles to article submission websites.

When your content is getting well-known, your odds of getting organic do-follow hyperlinks also rise—however, most bloggers follow sites for article submissions to see immediate results.

The Benefits from Article Submission Websites

Article submission websites allow users to submit high-quality, informative, and original content to third-party websites to get more exposure. Beyond the obvious benefits of the direction, there are many other advantages of using these sites, including:

  • I am getting better search engine rankings.
  • Create leads mainly using free marketing.
  • Make yourself known as an expert on the subject area you are an expert in.
  • Get yourself some authentic, permanent backlinks.
  • The traffic on your website can grow if people adhere to the backlink.
  • Article submissions, whether written by the author or by a ghostwriter - can assist in increasing the domain credibility of your website and thus improve the page rank.
  • In the age of social media, viral content has the potential to gather many high-quality backlinks.

Do you know the different types of Online Article Submission Websites?

It is essential to note it is possible to distinguish two main kinds of these websites:

Paid Article Submission

They charge you for publishing your content for a small editorial fee. It is also possible to partner with these websites in India to produce sponsored content.

Free Article Submission

Self-explanatory, the websites for article submission allow you to create web 2.0 blogs for free without cost. You can promote your link-leveraging strategy here to increase your domain's value and earn do-follow or no-follow links.

What is the best website for your article to be published?

As an experienced content writer and website administrator, it's assumed that you are knowledgeable about the basics of article submission. To summarize, there are a few items to be looking for on the top article submission sites:

  • The website must comply with all copyright laws that apply to the region of its location.
  • The terms and conditions of their contracts are transparent.
  • If they intend to make a payment for posting an article on their website, terms of payment must meet.
  • It is best to let your backlinks remain on the original article instead of altering it too often.
  • Verify the total number of backlinks with no-follow or do-follow that you receive.

There are other factors to consider when pitching your article to these websites. Make sure you do your research before you submit your hard work and your piece of writing to any website you choose.

500+ of the Top Article Submission Websites

Article submission sites that are popular are crucial to help promote your content. They can assist in generating sales and leads, boost the number of visitors to your site, and increase your credibility online.

Top free sites for article submission include:

Examples for Google Sites: